Understanding workplace perspectives on menstrual health and menopause: A deep dive with Revol Health

Oct 17, 2023

Illustration of a piece of paper with several plots.

Image credits: Lukas

Health equity remains a fundamental concern in modern workplaces, playing a pivotal role in overall well-being, inclusivity, and productivity. But how far have we truly come when it comes to understanding and addressing menstrual health and menopause? Revol Health sought to answer this with a comprehensive market survey.

Pulse of the workplace: Key insights

Our August 2023 survey gathered insights from approximately 100 participants across diverse sectors, including education, IT, pharma, retail, and research. Here’s what we found:

  • A hesitant conversation: A mere 30% felt at ease discussing menstrual health or menopause in their workplaces. This calls attention to the broader societal and organizational taboos around these topics.

  • Initiative gap: Alarmingly, 76% stated their organizations had no initiatives addressing these health concerns.

  • The grassroots movement: Half of the existing initiatives were not top-down human resources directives. Instead, they emerged from employee-led movements or collaborations.

Why this matters

Organizations that fail to address these topics risk cultivating an environment where employees do not feel seen or supported. Addressing menstrual health and menopause does not just benefit individual well-being but can lead to broader gains in engagement, and organizational cohesion.

The path forward

At Revol we sit down for long hours to come up with tangible hands-on recommendations derived from our market research. In brief, to master the challenges around menstrual health and menopause at work, organizations must:

  • Bridge the awareness gap: Recognize and address these health concerns, especially when they are notably absent from current diversity, equity, and inclusion frameworks.

  • Facilitate open discussions: Cultivate a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing these matters.

  • Harness employee-driven initiatives: If employees are leading the charge, provide them with the necessary resources and platform.

In conclusion, Revol Health's recent findings underline the urgent need for more comprehensive and inclusive approaches to menstrual health and menopause in workplaces. Our vision remains clear: unlock health equity at the workplace. More insights on our report (download here).

Join our waiting list by signing up at Revol Health 

Stay updated and follow us on LinkedIn

Contact us if you want to know more about how our solution helps drive health equity, and inclusivity, and boost the well-being of menstruating individuals. Revol(utionize) your workplace today.

Health equity remains a fundamental concern in modern workplaces, playing a pivotal role in overall well-being, inclusivity, and productivity. But how far have we truly come when it comes to understanding and addressing menstrual health and menopause? Revol Health sought to answer this with a comprehensive market survey.

Pulse of the workplace: Key insights

Our August 2023 survey gathered insights from approximately 100 participants across diverse sectors, including education, IT, pharma, retail, and research. Here’s what we found:

  • A hesitant conversation: A mere 30% felt at ease discussing menstrual health or menopause in their workplaces. This calls attention to the broader societal and organizational taboos around these topics.

  • Initiative gap: Alarmingly, 76% stated their organizations had no initiatives addressing these health concerns.

  • The grassroots movement: Half of the existing initiatives were not top-down human resources directives. Instead, they emerged from employee-led movements or collaborations.

Why this matters

Organizations that fail to address these topics risk cultivating an environment where employees do not feel seen or supported. Addressing menstrual health and menopause does not just benefit individual well-being but can lead to broader gains in engagement, and organizational cohesion.

The path forward

At Revol we sit down for long hours to come up with tangible hands-on recommendations derived from our market research. In brief, to master the challenges around menstrual health and menopause at work, organizations must:

  • Bridge the awareness gap: Recognize and address these health concerns, especially when they are notably absent from current diversity, equity, and inclusion frameworks.

  • Facilitate open discussions: Cultivate a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing these matters.

  • Harness employee-driven initiatives: If employees are leading the charge, provide them with the necessary resources and platform.

In conclusion, Revol Health's recent findings underline the urgent need for more comprehensive and inclusive approaches to menstrual health and menopause in workplaces. Our vision remains clear: unlock health equity at the workplace. More insights on our report (download here).

Join our waiting list by signing up at Revol Health 

Stay updated and follow us on LinkedIn

Contact us if you want to know more about how our solution helps drive health equity, and inclusivity, and boost the well-being of menstruating individuals. Revol(utionize) your workplace today.

Health equity remains a fundamental concern in modern workplaces, playing a pivotal role in overall well-being, inclusivity, and productivity. But how far have we truly come when it comes to understanding and addressing menstrual health and menopause? Revol Health sought to answer this with a comprehensive market survey.

Pulse of the workplace: Key insights

Our August 2023 survey gathered insights from approximately 100 participants across diverse sectors, including education, IT, pharma, retail, and research. Here’s what we found:

  • A hesitant conversation: A mere 30% felt at ease discussing menstrual health or menopause in their workplaces. This calls attention to the broader societal and organizational taboos around these topics.

  • Initiative gap: Alarmingly, 76% stated their organizations had no initiatives addressing these health concerns.

  • The grassroots movement: Half of the existing initiatives were not top-down human resources directives. Instead, they emerged from employee-led movements or collaborations.

Why this matters

Organizations that fail to address these topics risk cultivating an environment where employees do not feel seen or supported. Addressing menstrual health and menopause does not just benefit individual well-being but can lead to broader gains in engagement, and organizational cohesion.

The path forward

At Revol we sit down for long hours to come up with tangible hands-on recommendations derived from our market research. In brief, to master the challenges around menstrual health and menopause at work, organizations must:

  • Bridge the awareness gap: Recognize and address these health concerns, especially when they are notably absent from current diversity, equity, and inclusion frameworks.

  • Facilitate open discussions: Cultivate a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing these matters.

  • Harness employee-driven initiatives: If employees are leading the charge, provide them with the necessary resources and platform.

In conclusion, Revol Health's recent findings underline the urgent need for more comprehensive and inclusive approaches to menstrual health and menopause in workplaces. Our vision remains clear: unlock health equity at the workplace. More insights on our report (download here).

Join our waiting list by signing up at Revol Health 

Stay updated and follow us on LinkedIn

Contact us if you want to know more about how our solution helps drive health equity, and inclusivity, and boost the well-being of menstruating individuals. Revol(utionize) your workplace today.

Health equity remains a fundamental concern in modern workplaces, playing a pivotal role in overall well-being, inclusivity, and productivity. But how far have we truly come when it comes to understanding and addressing menstrual health and menopause? Revol Health sought to answer this with a comprehensive market survey.

Pulse of the workplace: Key insights

Our August 2023 survey gathered insights from approximately 100 participants across diverse sectors, including education, IT, pharma, retail, and research. Here’s what we found:

  • A hesitant conversation: A mere 30% felt at ease discussing menstrual health or menopause in their workplaces. This calls attention to the broader societal and organizational taboos around these topics.

  • Initiative gap: Alarmingly, 76% stated their organizations had no initiatives addressing these health concerns.

  • The grassroots movement: Half of the existing initiatives were not top-down human resources directives. Instead, they emerged from employee-led movements or collaborations.

Why this matters

Organizations that fail to address these topics risk cultivating an environment where employees do not feel seen or supported. Addressing menstrual health and menopause does not just benefit individual well-being but can lead to broader gains in engagement, and organizational cohesion.

The path forward

At Revol we sit down for long hours to come up with tangible hands-on recommendations derived from our market research. In brief, to master the challenges around menstrual health and menopause at work, organizations must:

  • Bridge the awareness gap: Recognize and address these health concerns, especially when they are notably absent from current diversity, equity, and inclusion frameworks.

  • Facilitate open discussions: Cultivate a culture where employees feel comfortable discussing these matters.

  • Harness employee-driven initiatives: If employees are leading the charge, provide them with the necessary resources and platform.

In conclusion, Revol Health's recent findings underline the urgent need for more comprehensive and inclusive approaches to menstrual health and menopause in workplaces. Our vision remains clear: unlock health equity at the workplace. More insights on our report (download here).

Join our waiting list by signing up at Revol Health 

Stay updated and follow us on LinkedIn

Contact us if you want to know more about how our solution helps drive health equity, and inclusivity, and boost the well-being of menstruating individuals. Revol(utionize) your workplace today.

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